

We intend to ensure the further development of our company through the optimal, sustainable, and efficient use of our available natural, human and financial resources. Our goal is to achieve a high level of performance in all our processes. The aim is to meet or even exceed the expectations of our customers. We regard our customers as partners and offer them the best possible price-performance ratio for our products. Our main value is quite simple: entrepreneurial spirit that puts people at the center of everything we do. Our quality, environmental and safety management is globally certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 thus guaranteeing our customers internationally established standards for the quality of products, business processes, safety and environmental protection.


For additional information, please download the documents below.


ISO 45001
ISO 14001
ISO 9001
CO2 & kWh

Entrepreneurship, innovation, passion, and teamwork characterize our employees at the Gamsen site. They can be justifiably proud to be part of Valsynthese success story.

Max Lauwiner, SVP, Head Business Unit Fine Chemicals.

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